
For far too long the church has been known for what is is against, we want to be known for what we are for! We are For Cisco!
Our mission is to be able to meet practical needs in our community for those who are unable to physically meet them or financially meet them.
Our projects are volunteer based and we need all the help we can get! Text the phrase forcisco to 94000 to sign up to receive updates about all future projects!

Do You Need Assistance?
Our hope and prayer is that we will be able to help all who are in need, however some projects may be out of our expertise or budget.
If there is a need that you have and are unable to meet it either financially or physically please fill out the application by clicking the button below.
*Please note that filling out an application does not guarantee we will be able to help. We will have someone reach out to you after you fill out an application! Please be as thorough as possible!